Child Mediation Process
Mediation helps children by focusing on their needs and aims to reduce any negative impact of separation.
In our child mediation sessions we encourage them to think about how they may help their parents plan for the future and what they would like their parents to know. Our mediators are specially trained in child mediation and have given many children the opportunity to talk about their hopes and fears for the future.
The first meeting is held with the parents only to explain the process and gain consent
Children will then receive a written invitation to meet with the mediator
Children will then confirm that they would like to speak to the mediator and a meeting will be arranged
At the meeting, each child identifies the things that they would like to talk about. Their words are recorded exactly.
The child's words are read back to them. After hearing their words, they choose what they would like to share back with their parents.
The child decides whether they will share this information or whether they would prefer their mediator to share on their behalf.
A separate meeting is arranged with the child's parents to share the information the child wants to share, in a way that supports the child the most.
The Child Maintenance Service (formerly the Child Support Agency) will charge you to establish what child support is required.
Mediation is recommended as a cheaper alternative.
Contact us to find out more about mediation or book an appointment